Star Wars Rogue Squadron, better than most, and good enough for George Lucas

User Rating: 9.1 | Star Wars: Rogue Squadron N64
This review may be eight years old, but what the hell? I like to make an entrance. Back in 1998, this game, Star Wars Rogue Squadron, has become a classic in its own rights. You play as Luke Skywalker, and you fly as head of Rogue Squadron: a team of the best pilots the Rebel Alliance has to offer. You mission: To stop the Emipre from destroying the Rebels. You gain many vehicles, including the X-Wing, A-Wing, Millenium Falcon, and a TIE Interceptor. A single bonus level happens to be a level where you play as an AT-ST. One the cheats makes you switch your V-Wing for a car that has the cheat on the license plate. The Rogue Squadron series has spanned three games so far, and all of them ROCK. ANY die-hard Star Wars fan has to play the Rogue Squadron series.