Not the Best Fighting Game Ever but Pretty Fun Either Way

User Rating: 8 | Star Wars: Masters of Teras Kasi PS
Star Wars Masters of Teras Kasi is the only Star Wars fighting game I know of. It is pretty fun IMO. The graphics aren't the best but they aren't the worst either. The game introduces a new character to the Star Wars series, Arden Lynn (to this day I think this is her only Star Wars game appearance) but you can play as the fan favorites such as Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, and Chewbacca. The last boss in the arcade mode is of course Darth Vader. If you beat the game once with Luke Skywalker you will unlock him. My biggest complaint would be about the gameplay. The game is very slow and makes the battles harder than they need to be and I think you must do stuff on HARDER difficulties to unlock more characters (the only characters I think I have gotten are Darth Vader and Storm Trooper). The Tekken games move at a much faster pace and the battles aren't as hard. So basically if you put Tekken and Star Wars together you get: Star Wars Masters of Teras Kasi. If you are a Star Wars fan (Im not a die hard fan since Ive only seen Episodes IV and III, in that order) I would recommend picking this up but if you are a die hard fan of fighting games you might have to think before getting it (I just picked it up cuz I thought it looked fun).
Overall: 8.0/10