A great strategy game that uses the Age of Kings formula very nicely.

User Rating: 8.8 | Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds PC
Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds takes place during the 1st, 4th, 5th, and 6th episodes. This game is pretty much Age of Empires: Age of Kings with guns and tanks instead of swords and cavalry. Most units can be upgraded like the troops. They start out as recruits, then regular, then heavy, then repeater. Even though the 6 factions being quite similar there are still minor differences. For example, the Trade Federation doesn't need to build prefab shelters (houses). But they can only upgrade their troops to heavy troopers. Despite some of the campaigns being lame there are a few fun ones. The graphics are okay but nothing to rave about. Even though this is a great SW strategy game, I am seriously looking into Empire at War. Anyways if you get this game I am sure you will enjoy it.