Sure it may have it's flaws, but it's an interesting game once you get past all that...

User Rating: 6.8 | Star Wars: Dark Forces PS
Now everyone know the Doom series, am I right? Well, others also remember the earlier games of the franchise, which were in 2-D. This game is exactly like those, but with a Star Wars icing on it. Although it doesn't do nearly as good of a job as Doom, it does manage to pull off a pretty decent experience while trying to look impressive at the same time.

The story of the game is rather a side-story than a full tie-in with the story. It does overlap in some parts, such as stealing the plans for the Death Star, or meeting up with Jabba The Hut; but it builds off from that and becomes a unique experience in its own way. Anyway, the basic plot is that you are some guy (I can't remember the story that well, my memory is a bit fuzzy) that needs to stop a new force in the Empirial army before it ever sees the light of day. This new force is a new kind of stormtrooper that would be able to wreak unparallelled damage to the ground forces of the Rebel Alliance.

First off, the sound quality for this game isn't that great. The music in the game is what you would expect, but the quality of it makes it sound like it came straight out of a SNES game. The sound effects aren't all that great either. You have the same sounds for pretty much everything and they all sound like they were thought up by some monkies. The voice acting in this game is passable, but it sounds robotic at times and can even take a trip down the Resident Evil road, which is as low as you can get when it comes to voice acting.

Well, the Graphics for this game are not that great, even for a PS1 game. All of the characters are in 2-D, even in the cutscenes. The environments are boring, bland, and downright repetitive as you'll walk through countless identical hallways in order to find out what the heck you're trying to accomplish. The characters don't show much diversity as there are only a few different Emperial advesaries to obliterate. Sure you have the classic stormtrooper and sometimes even an officer, but they all come from the same kind of boring and bland world as the environments.

As for the gameplay, it's pretty much bare bones. You have your trusty blaster pistol at your side at all times, and you also have grenades and a rifle, but those are pretty much the only useful weapons in the game. The rest of the weapons are just plain unescessary as a quick grenade lob or blaster shot will get the job done every single time, guaranteed.

The enemy AI is just plain stupid. Enemies will sometimes walk by you without even noticing you and will have a 50-50 chance of hitting you. What makes this worse is how easy it is to mow them all down. Even if there's an entire squad of troopers facing your lone rifle, they would stand no chance as you can simply sweep from left to right while holding down the fire button.

What makes this even easier is how much damage you can take before you die. Every blaster shot the hero takes will make him wipe off his shoulder at best as it would take 40-50 hits to kill you. There's also plenty of medical kits and shields scattered about the area as well, making it easy to recover from almost anything the game can throw at you.

Overal, the game has it's share of problems, but despite all of this, the game was very enjoyable. I'm not sure why, but it had that certain charm that makes you like a game despite it's poor quality. I guess this is one of those games that grows on you because of your love for the movies or something, I don't know. If you come across this game and you're a fan of the movies, go give it a whirl. If you're not a fan of the movies, don't bother picking this one up.