Star Wars For Everyone

User Rating: 6 | Star Wars Battlefront PS4

If Star Wars Battlefront gets one thing right that would be a very simple and accessible entry level of gameplay where everyone can pick a blaster and kill rebel/imperial scum!

The game doesn't require anything difficult to learn and while the simplicity is a good approach for newcomers, multiplayer veterans will be left bored after the original 5-10 hours. When it comes to game modes: Blast is pretty straightforward 10 vs 10 deathmatch, Cargo plays like Capture the Flag, Drop Zone is an 8 vs 8 fight for a series of supply pods which is my favorite mode when I don't have a lot of time to spend online. Droid Run lets you activate and hold three droids.

The game offers small customization options for your solider, simple weapons choice, secondary and a booster card depending on your game mode. There aren't too many and they range from Jet Pack to Accuracy Boost for your weapon. Good amount of helmet and skin selection with lost of expressive taunts to choose from.

For the purists of air movie battles - Fighter Squadron mode puts X/A-Wings and Tie Fighters into battles in the skies Hunt and Heroes vs. Villains puts respectively Heroes vs Villains with all of their Jedi/Sith powers against each other. After a while it gets repetitive..

All of those modes eventually get forgotten due to their repetitiveness and staying relevant. The real meat of Star Wars: Battlefront is in the Supremacy and Walker Assault mode even thou there are only a few handful of maps, which is disappointing, however this is where you really get to experience epic Star Wars Battles, this is the mode where you will come back for more and where the real feel of the Star Wars comes from. This is where I continue to spend most of my time after a non lasting appeal of the other modes outside of the occasional Drop Zone.

That pretty much covers the game, outside of the training tutorial to get you ready for the online battles there isn't really anything else. Non existent single player, no story to be told. You pay a full (CAN) 79.99$ for handful of online game modes and few maps of excellent Supremacy and Walker Assault battles.

It seems like there will be more gameplay when the 50$ Season Pass arrives which is essentially asking consumers to pay twice to to get a full game experience which even at that point doesn't warrant the complete price with the omission of proper single player campaign.

For the first 10 hours or so after playing all the multiplayer modes, Star Wars Battle front loses its long term appeal. The game looks gorgeous, sounds excellent as you would expect after all the licensing EA acquired. There is something special engaging into the 1 v 1 air battle with your A-Wing while below you the AT-ST is destroying ground troops with Skywalker assisting the rebels hold the line while Darth Vader pushes forward. All of this happening while excellent musical score pumps up the blood as you are struggling to lock-on you torpedo on the darn X-Wing.

It's a phenomenal experience for the first dozens of times especially if you're a fan of the movies and Star Wars in general (like myself ;p). Unfortunately, under all of that shinny cover, the game slowly fades into the forgotten corner since there isn't a good single player to lean onto, game modes become repetitive. In the end, this is a simple polished online shooter (which you can play in third person view) for the fans. Hopefully the next game in the franchise offers more while retaining the excellent engine quality.