Dumbed down from the old Battlefront we know and love

User Rating: 4 | Star Wars Battlefront PS4

The new Battlefront feels like farmville meets starwars. If you were expecting it to be an upgraded version of the old games, you'll be disappointed. You have to grind and grind for days to earn upgraded weapons, but even then there's little variety. There's no longer different classes, you'll never be anything but a generic soldier, unless you pick up randomly spawning "hero" power ups. You don't have access to vehicles like before, there's no longer multiple control points to take over and outmaneuver your opponent with. There's very little strategy. It's insane to me how a 10 year old game was more advanced than this dumbed down version. They could have just taken BF2 and updated the skins and it would have been 10x better a game.