Most boring game!

User Rating: 2 | Star Wars Battlefront PS4

I give this a 2 for graphics but the game play is absolutely boring and abysmal. After 2 hours I am done with this most simple approach to gaming. $60 for what is in essence a DLC based game. There is really nothing for single local user. A tiny bit of fun with a friend in split screen. Only if you pay the season pass can you enjoy the game a little more but still then it remains a marginal game. I own many games but this is the MOST boring game I have. Wish I could have kept the $60 and put that to an actual game. This is just EA being silly and riding the Star Wars coat tails. Truly a beautiful joke game!!! I don't see how people can rate this as a 10?? This is truly terrible. I was anticipating this game like every other Star Wars fan for months but this is the greatest disappointment ever!