This is just boring.

User Rating: 6.2 | SSX On Tour PS2
Its Just BAD. Nothing compared to the others and the skiing rubbish. What i missed the most was just going down the mountain and choosing wich track you go on an free will. And whats with moving the right anolog stick to do Monster tricks, (what happend to uber tricks? did they just get thrown away or somthing?). And i don't like the new scribble style. The only good thing about it is the music like iron maiden and avenged sevonfold and customising what your character looks like... I found a little bit enjoyable after awhile but i still prefer SSX 3, quite speedy aswell. .Its definitly a try before you buy. If You find it cheap, buy it, but if you find it for like £20 i wonuldnt recommend. i bought it for £7 from woolworths.