SSX on Tour will make you want to do the real thing. But you'll probably crash, cause these guys are amazing...

User Rating: 9.5 | SSX On Tour PS2
I borrowed this from a friend and just left it on a shelf for a couple of weeks. That is one of the worst things I have ever done- the second I started playing this I got addicted. The music in it is great- my favourite song on it is Lousy Reputation by We Are Scirentists. But that just makes the game even better. The graphics are fantastic, and you get really competitive when in multiplayer. The moves are easy to execute and look fantastic, especially the "monster" tricks that you can pull when you've got loads of boost. The variety of races/ competitions is great, and when you get into the top few boarders/ skiiers (I chose snowboarding), you really want to hit the top. The bonuses that you can unlock or buy as you near the end of the game are great- my guy's got giant black bat's wings coming out of his back and he's wearing an astronauts helmet- trust me, he looks almost as cool as me ;) :P. Haha... great game.