Spyro 3: Year of the Dragon is one of the best games I have ever played.

User Rating: 10 | Spyro: Year of the Dragon (Platinum) PS
The difficulty is just about right to balance a good challenge and fun at the same time. The music is amazing and fits perfectly well with the game play. Scenery is elaborate and there are gorgeous backgrounds. There is no task in the whole game which is not fun to play. The story mode is very long and satisfying. I have longed for more games like this. The graphics are awesome. Boss battles are fun. The controls are simple and effective. Game play is similar to that of Spyro 2, yet innovative, by adding on more complicated characters and tasks to complete. There are new vehicles and power ups for Spyro to use and gain. There are tons of open worlds to explore and a myriad of tasks to complete. There are also new playable characters with their own unique moves. I highly recommend this game.