Tried to improve the last game but,its impossbile to do that so..But that game still rocks!!

User Rating: 8.9 | Spyro: Year of the Dragon (Platinum) PS
The previous Spyro game is without a doubt the best Spyro game......The
bosses...The mini games....The gameplay itself was brilliant.....Well this
Game Does the same thing execpt the bosses are a bit easier thats all..
This game focuses on the mini games which is a good thing.....
For some reason they wont get dull...they keep getting more enjoyable!
This Time the Villian is a Female Sorcerer,who isnt that great a villian,as
the previous 2 villains...The Biggest addition to this game is that you can
play as all of spyros new friends...A kangaroo,a sargent penguin,and a
cool snow yeti....All of them with unique and specail attacks....Overall
This game ROCKS!but not as much as the last game....Its worth buying
since its less than 10$right now lol..

Peace out!