Spyro leaves the PS1 with a bang!

User Rating: 9 | Spyro: Year of the Dragon (Platinum) PS
Spyro's third and final adventure on the PS1 is one the best Spyro games. Not much has changed since the first two games that came before it, but with a few tweaks. Being able to play as more than character was one the best ideas in the series, since playing as Spyro all the time can get boring after awhile. Skateboarding actually pretty fun and the various mini helped keep the game interesting, but could frustrating sometimes. The graphics haven't changed very much at all and the voice acting was actually not all that bad. The game's story is just a little too short, and the bosses were pushovers. Year of the Dragon ended Spyro's time on the PS1 with a bang before the series fell apart in the next-gen.