An awesome Spyro game. It might be a rehash of the 2nd one but it's a lot of fun.

User Rating: 9 | Spyro: Year of the Dragon (Platinum) PS
In the 3rd Spyro game Spyro,along with Hunter(now residing in the Dragon Kingdoms),and the rest of the older dragons are sleeping. Suddenly a magenta robed girl pops out of a rabbit hole with a bunch of rhino creatures known as Rhynocs. They begin to steal all of the dragon eggs and almost escape without waking up anyone,but suddenly the girl steps on Hunter's hand and he wakes up yelling and suddenly all of the dragons and Spyro wake up seeing the girl and Rhynocs taking off with the eggs.

Unfortunetly Spyro doesn't end up stopping the thieves and must now go down the rabbit hole to a realm known as The Forgotten Worlds. Hunter and Sparx come along with him and they arrive in the 1st world. Meanwhile the young girl gives all of the eggs to her master,a blue skinned dinosaur with a crown and cape known as The Sorceress.

From here on you'll collect all of the dragon eggs,plus all of the gems,and also meet four new friends. You'll have to pay Moneybags the Bear in order to free each animal but it's worth it once each friend beats up Moneybags and you get to play as them.

The four friends Spyro meets are

Sheila The Kangaroo

Shiela has three billy goat friends in her world. As Sheila you'll be able to bounce high,kick enemies with your huge feet,and even break objects that Spyro can't.

Srgt.Byrd The Flying Penguin

I don't have to tell you why he's a Flying Penguin. Anyways Srgt. Byrd is a secret agent who was raised by Humming Birds. As Srgt. Byrd you'll be able to fly,shoot rockets from your jetpack,and even target missles at things below you.

Bentley the Yeti

Bentley is a smart and intelligent Yeti who can bash things with his club,twirl his club around,and stomp on top of enemies. There's even a boxing level where you'll play as Yeti fighting with The Abominable Snowman.


Agent 9 The Super Intelligent Monkey Bodyguard of the Professor

Agent 9 was an ordinary monkey given new abilities and higher brain activity by Spyro's old friend the Professor from Spyro 2. As Agent 9 you'll be able to shoot stuff with your laser gun,dodge stuff by moving left to right,and target things with your laser gun.

After you beat each level each creature from each world in each big place in the game will help fix up your new air transportation vechicle to fly to the next big place,but before you get to the next big place you'll have to fight a boss. You'll have help from Shiela facing the 1st boss,Srgt. Byrd facing the 2nd boss,Bentley facing the 3rd boss,and Agent 9 facing the Sorceress.

You can also play as Hunter as well as Sparx to get more gems and get more dragon eggs. There's even a cool skateboard level where you can do different tricks to get more points in order to get more dragon eggs and gems.

You'll also make a friend with the Sorceress's apprentice a yellow bunny girl known as Bianca who becomes Hunter's girlfriend and later moves into the Dragon Realms and appears in many sequels.

There's other cool things in this game such as being able to use ice breath in one level where you have to save a world of talking blue penguins. Also The Sorceress has tons of evil henchmen who she's enslaved known as Rhynocs.

They appear in Spyro Season of Ice,Spyro 2:Season of Flame,and are all finally defeated in Spyro Attack of the Rhynocs. The Rhynocs even have a new leader,a two headed librarian Rhynoc known as Grendor.

Also after you defeat a boss you'll be able to take the air vechicle you took to get there so you can fight a boss again or go back to the previous world. You also are able to get skill points by performing random tasks in each world in each big place you go too. If you complete all of the skill points then you'll be treated to a scrapbook which shows how the inhabitants are doing after you saved their worlds and a plot formed by Gnasty Gnorc and Ripto(which was never done,but both of them do return.)

This is a must have for any fan of Spyro. I give Spyro 3:Year of the Dragon 10 dragon eggs out of 10.