Even though it doesn't add much. Spyro 3 is a recommendable platformer

User Rating: 7.5 | Spyro: Year of the Dragon (Platinum) PS
Released in 2000. Spyro 3 Year Of The Dragon is the sequel to a great game-Spyro 2 Ripto's Rage.
Spyro 3 plays, feels and looks like it's predecessors, which is both a good and a bad thing. The basics are here; enter a level, run around, jump, kill enemies in one go, collect gems, and it goes around, in order or not.

I'm going to get it out of the way- The story is average, and ends horribly. Spyro finds out that this sorceress is trying to kill all the dragons. What for? To have wings. Spyro must stop her, and eventually does.... But yet again, a story in an old Spyro, is a story not of importance. So it shouldn't be a big deal. A good thing is, bunch of old characters return. You'll get to see Hunter, Sparx and Zoe. There is also a range of new characters, which are playable

The game's visuals are very similar to its predecessors. Spyro has the same animations, which is not a bad thing since they were always alright. The cartoony graphics fit well with a cartoony platformer, and these visuals were one of the best of the PS1's time.

The music here is what we call great. Most of the game's soundtrack fits well with the level, and is memorable. Most of the sound effects are here from the predecessors, which is not a bad thing, as it should be with any other game sequel. Something worth noting is that Spyro's voice actor, Tom Kenny has done a terrific job as Spyro. The overall voice acting is great anyway, with a good range of characters talking, and with suited voices, You won't wish that it would be better off with voices.

If you enjoyed playing the prequels, you'll enjoy playing this. If you didn't enjoy playing the prequels, you won't like this. As I mentioned before, Spyro 3 is very similar of it's predecessors. With the same combat moves; fire, charge and yeah that's it. You can still glide like before, and Sparx protects you from damage. There's new flight levels, which allow you to fly. Most of the levels are well designed and balanced, just like before. However, not all is good, I still dislike the fact that nearly enemy is killed in one shot, and for the simple fact it's too similar. There are boss fights like before, but there just average, and not all that fun, and the very last boss fight will leave you in a big disappointment.

Well, if there is something new here, it would be the new playable characters. However, a lot(certainly not all) of these extra objectives playing as these characters are 'meh'. The best ones worth noting would be Sparx's own levels, which include boss fights, and are not that boring, but eventually become quite repetitive however.

There is quite a large world here. With a lot of levels in the game. However, if you are an experienced player, it somehow finishes fast. Throughout the game's 4 worlds, it doesn't take long to finish them all. However, if you are a new player. It could take quite some time. I was able to collect all gems, dragon eggs, and finish the extra world in about 15 hours. It could take certain players up to 30 hours I suppose.

So, how would you sum up Spyro's last Playstation adventure? One would say, good but not great. A new player would enjoy it a bunch. This was Insomniacs' last game, and thank God it was. The formula was getting repetitive from here. So as now, Vgames holds the series' license, and have rebooted the series, and they don't care if you didn't like that. If you want to know how the later games managed. Check my reviews of them.

Presentation(+Story) 7.0
Gameplay: 7.0
Visuals: 8.0
Audio: 8.5
Value: 7.5
My Personal View: 7.0

Overall: 7.5