More of a good thing

User Rating: 8 | Spyro: Year of the Dragon (Platinum) PS
Spyro: Year of the Dragon is a good serving of well crafted, common material. You are Spyro with little to no changes and you embark out doing some stuff. The games story is about a celebration called 'Year of the Dragon,' where seemingly all of the dragons have brought there eggs to this location and celebrate. After the long party, everyone falls asleep and the eggs are taken away by thieves thereby forcing you to go get a bunch of eggs back.

Only basic storytelling goes on from there while the main adventure is off on its toes. There are big hub worlds that you can explore and levels that lead off, most of them consist of egg collection, jewel collection, enemy destroying, platforming, minigames and a quick visit from someone. All of those potions are completely well done, with the exception of some platforming because the camera isn't quite perfect, but its almost there. You also get the occasional cutscene and boss fight; but for the most part, the level layout pattern is very similar to other levels, it also boasts 32 levels, which eventually make the concepts overused but give you lots od content. Spyro is just as well crafted as before but not any better and the minigames still work well. There is also a further attempt to variate the adventure; while the minigames usually had race against the clock, race, or platforming sequence the game now has control for different characters. You can play as most of the friends you meet up with or release, and they have differently variated, though unique skills and challenges. They aren't quite as elaborately prepared as Spyro, but they aren't the star or actually very bad. This is a good change as the main mechanics seem to present nothing new.

The levels look excellent, even gbetter than before, textures are clean, effects are bright, details are great but it could have used more big objects like monsters or something moving around, enemies play dressup and also look good but you eventually feel that the inspiration is struggling in places. Presentation wise, the game is the same, it still is great and the load times keep confortable

The sound is perhaps better than the graphics, the chipper music is accompanied by near and distant noise and the voice cast is right up there beside the best.

Overall, Spyro is a great game, you've played this before, but this may be the better way, you might be grating by the time you get to the end of the 24 - 30 hour adventure as the enemies don't really acccelerate enough in challenge or change tactics too much. So, if you haven't gotten a good platformer in for a while, the game serves its purpose but you may still just want to pass this up as it still imitates.