Very playable,cute and colorful and a great 3D platformer for the PSone.

User Rating: 9 | Spyro the Dragon PS
I loved playing this game a lot,it's a great 3D platformer for the PSone.The controls are smooth,the gameplay is fun,and it's colorful.I like the concept of playing as a little dragon who can breathe fire to use against enemies and how he can glide to make platforming sections have a more original feel.

The story is about a green skinned villain(who looks like a troll and I forgot his name)that has taken over the land and entrapped most of the other dragons in statues.You will need to find and free these dragons and you will need to travel through portals which require you to find a certain number of gems in the levels.

But,the searching for dragon statues and gems isn't as boring as it sounds,because the world is beautiful and fun to explore,and like I've said before the gameplay is fun and the controls are smooth and the level designs mix up gliding.You can make Spyro do a bull type charge to run quicker across areas quickly too.

Spyro is a funny character,even though he's a small little dragon,and much smaller than the other dragons,his ego is so big and he says things such as how he will scorch the main villains,and one of the elder dragons told him to free the other dragons first.

I've mentioned how the graphics are colorful,I'd also like to say the objects look very smooth.I like how the sky color can change from bright blue to a purplish haze and the grassy plains are lush green and have hill slopes and you'll see details such as trees,garden paths,garden hedges,castles,waterfalls,sections of land floating in the sky and there's desert,snow/ice and crystalized land.The Gems are bright colored too.

Spyro looks like a little,juvenile but tough and adorable purple colored dragon.

From memory,the voice acting is good,Spyro sounded egotistic and like a teenager,the bigger dragons sounded older and wiser and nice voice presentation of the story of their world is shown to you at the start of the game and it's charming and cute.

Overall,it's a great 3D platformer for the PSone.