Stupid and pointless. Good for quick laughs, but only once.

User Rating: 3.8 | South Park: Chef's Luv Shack PC
If you havent bought this game yet, don't. its completely worthless. if you have. Sorry about that, there is room still in the boat with me if you want.

The questions, are stupid, rarely do they hve anything to do with the show at all. The minigames, some are fun, but mostly they are just anouying. Especially the can drink one, that one just sucks. and the one where u try and put out the fire with water balloons, I suck at that one. Thankfully the AI is actually pretty good. But you almost certainly need a friend to crowed your keyboard to play this game properly. Don't ever be cartman, because you'll never get points for the easy probe game.

THe voice overs were decent, and they do seem to have plenty of speeches that you will gradually hear through the course of the game. But for the most part, its only funny the first time you hear it. Eventually (if your keen enough, which is unlikely if you bought this game) you will figure out that you have heard every bit of voice there is in the game.

And to the person that bought this for me as a gift
I ask you


Don't get this game, its worthless.