what the hell is doing sonic in a car?! (again....)

User Rating: 5.5 | Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing WII
is something fun the first time, but after a while you will get bored

the graphics aren't just okay, the special effects are broken but after all the gameplay and the controls are ok....

but another disappointing thing is the music! some song are great like every Sega's game but in this one you will find just 2 or 3 good themes above the others!

the difficult is ok for me, because the gameplay is the real tough boss....
the missions for every character are gladly fun! and to get the points (money to buy) is something hard and that is great

but some stages are annoying, and other stages... i kow what i am saying when those can't be called "RACING STAGES" because are awfull!

and something i thing that game could have got is a story or an adventure mode (like the one of diddy kong racing)

in the end... play another good racing games like: mario kart, diddy kong racing, f-zero, extreme G and much others because this one gonna like you, only if you are a fan of new sonic games or dumb racing games...