Best platforming game ever, and definatly one of the best games on the Cube

User Rating: 9 | Sonic Adventure 2 Battle (Reprint) GC
This game is the first game I got for my Game Cube way back in the day. And still a game that I dig out and play. The game has its share of bugs and it is not perfect, but this game has a huge amount of heart, a really indepth story and some really addciting single player and mulitiplayer game play.

As far as plaforming games go, Sonic adventure 2 battle delivers what one would expect from the sonic franchise and more. The game has high speed levels and detailed level design. And some really good voice acting and soundtrack (if your into rock style music and some hip hop) Some of the voice clips get repetitive to the point that they are annoying but it doesnt effect the essense of the game what so ever.

But the one aspect of the game that gives it the most replay value, is the chao garden. Just in the Chao garden alone a person can spend a ridiculous amount of time. If you see this game, I highly recommend you pick it up. Many of the reviews for this game were negitive, but if you want an engaging high speed platforming adventure with a very indepth story then definatly see if you can find this game. Best of luck hunting for it :)