Sonic in 3D didn't work back then and it still dosen't. *Sigh*

User Rating: 4 | Sonic 3D Blast GEN
Sonic the Hedgehog is one of my favorite games and the Sega Genesis is probably one of those childhood memories that I'll cherish until the day I die. However, following the success of Sonic & Knuckles it's a wonder why Sega tried to do something new with the 2D formula by bringing Sonic into an isometric view collecting little birds through some maze-style levels. It's kind of like trying to improve the crossword by making it 3D. Dosen't really work does it?
With awkward controls, tedious gameplay and absence of speed (no, you don't get to run a hundred miles an hour in this one (!) ) this game really isn't the kind of Sonic experience you'd expect. Who cares about having to collect a bunch of birds and bringing them to the nearest ring? Especially when it is so easy for them to become scattered by any stray enemy or trap. Even the platform dynamics get really frustrating quickly. Quiet simply this is by no means a good game and it's too dull and boring to recommend to anyone.