Seems interesting at first, but gets repetetive very quickly. Add a poor AI and you will shelf this game quickly

User Rating: 6.5 | Sniper Elite V2 PC
The first time you start the game, you will be pumped to shoot some nazis. After you shoot the first one in the face, getting a Mortal Kombat-style x-ray visual, you we be addicted to it. Only the addiction wears off quickly.

Levels are very repetitive, and don't really feel like WW2 settings. More like a shooting range. That is, unless you find yourself in an open space after clearing the lot from your inaccessible vantage point. After leaving your safe haven, you will be confronted with sudden respawns and finding yourself machine-gunning your way out of things more often than you'd like. Either that, or you're exploiting the poor AI, who seems to have no clue how to follow you down or up a ledge.

The shooting mechanics are well done. Ballistics feel realistic and really make a kill feel like your own handywork. Especially on the higher difficulty settings. Only that isn;t enough to keep you interested in the game for more than a couple of hours.