Great if you haven't played the first Skate. But if you have, you may want to think twice before buying this sequel.

User Rating: 6.5 | Skate 2 X360
Skate 2 is a good game in it's own right, and a more complete and real skateboarding sim is not to be found right now. If that's what you're looking for, then go for this game.

However, my problems with it came from the fact that I already played, owned and loved the first Skate game, and after that, this second installment feels like an expensive expansion pack.

Yes, there's new moves, characters, decks, clothes and a new story. Those things are great, and along with an improved Skate Reel replay editor and new, more involved Hall Of Meat challenges (which are pretty much a great game in themselves), they add even more to Skate's great attributes. And yes, there are also new areas in the game.

But that's just it, new areas, not a new city. It's the same San Vanelona as the first game but with new areas in place of some old ones, and that was a real let down for me. I'll admit, there are a decent amount of new areas and a good number of them are really cool, the expanded version of Danny Way's mega compound for example. Though for the most part, skating through the suburbs, the rez, old town and downtown left me with an overwhelming feeling of deja vu. Ledges I'd already grinded, gaps I'd already jumped and bowls I'd already aired in are all still there, just the same as the first time around. And for me, the new areas didn't do enough to keep my interest in a game I'd pretty much already worn out.

Skate 2 is still a game with a lot going for it. If you haven't played the first game in this series then I would have no second thoughts about recommending it to you. But if you did play the first game as much as I did, then I would still recommend Skate 2 for it's new features, but as a rental first. If you want to buy it, I'd wait until the price comes down a good deal.

As much as the new stuff in Skate 2 is a step forward, this game still feels like a Skate 1 expansion pack and not a real sequel. For me, It's just too much been there, done that