Skate 2 is definitely the game to get you off the Tony Hawk series.

User Rating: 8 | Skate 2 X360
Skate 2 is the sequel to the popular skate with many additions but not all work. Here are the goods and bads of skate 2.

Good - Great visuals, character models for the other skaters look great, lots of missions to do, playing as Big Black, Just by exploring you can find great spots to skate at, the number of tricks you can do has been doubled, you can get off your board, DLC for the game is great, online play is fun and addicting, you can move around objects, bailing is hilarious!

Bad - On foot controls could have been better, AI isn't so great, moveable objects can get knocked down easily (get ready to be mad by the stupid AI to knock the stuff down), some glitches happen at random moments (when you try to land a cool looking trick).

Overall Skate 2 will be remembered as a classic game that will bring down the Tony Hawk series.