One of the all time greatest skate ever.

User Rating: 10 | Skate 2 X360
The skate series is the best skateboarding series of all time. The game play is innovative and fresh. I have poured more time into this game then any game ever. It is addictive, once you pick it up you just cant put it down. In my opinion this is the best game out of the 3 so far. the soundtrack is better then most games and at points you will find yourself just skating around the city listing to the music. this game is obviously going to be compared to the tony hawk games and in my opinion this is better then anything tony hawk could have imagined. this is the god of all skate games. it has an awesome single player campaign, you will find your self playing all night until the sun comes up. in the campaign you play as a skater fresh out of jail and back into the city. the cops or mongo corp have started to prevent skaters from riding in the city. they have capped sweet skate spots and with the help of Mikey and Christopher "Big Black" Boyken you free the city and uncap the skate spots. the single player isn't the only highlight of the game the online is also one of the best i have ever seen. you can hop in with your friends and free skate or take part in challenges like skate which is like horse on skate boards. or you can try to beat the high score on spots they have owned. in conclusion skate 2 has the best campaign of all skating games ever. it has a prime online play. and the game play will keep you coming back for more and more until you spend over100 hours like me. :)