For real time stratagy players only.

User Rating: 8.5 | Sins of a Solar Empire PC
I really love games with fun space combat (Starwars:Empire at war) and I also love Large RTS games (total war series) combine the two and there is a game that you will be playing for weeks. And even when you stop playing you will be craving to start another match. You have the choice between three empires The TEC: which is a standard human race, The Advent: a human race using alien philosophy and technology, And the Vasari: an alien race that has been pushed from its home worlds by an unknown force.

The Good: First off the game has great visuals. It gives you the opportunity to make a large fleet of good looking space craft and duke it out with other empires. It has a great system of advancing by using a large tech tree. And each Empire has its own tech and ships that will seem like a different game each time.

The Bad: Each game(even small ones)will take a long time to finish. The audio, music, and voicework in my opinion sucks. At some points my ears started to hurt. The addictiveness of this game will cause a loss of sleep, eating, and possibly friends if you get to into it(which you will).

Overall Sins is a fun RTS game that will keep you hooked for a looooooong time.