SINS is solid and it takes great ideas for the Homeworld Franchise, but it just takes way too long to play.

User Rating: 8 | Sins of a Solar Empire PC
If you are a fan of the Homeworld Franchise, you are probably going to like this game. SINS is a solid space RTS game. The graphics engine is solid, and the game is very smooth in general ,but it lacks a campaign. I am willing to let this go seeing that this is the first game Stardock has ever made. But it seems they are trying to insert a storyline without giving you any other story except for the opening movie. The only way to play single player is to face the computer in a skirmish game. Those can take a long time and you may get bored after a while. On the other had, the multiplayer is amazing(its even better when you with more than two people). The fun with playing with other and your friends will probably make you forget how long the game can take. This game just may eat up five hours of your day.