"Frigates and Cruisers do all the work".Capital Ships are just a little more than a hood ornament.

User Rating: 5 | Sins of a Solar Empire PC
Regardless to some of us may feel that this is indeed a great game to play and pass our time sadly that is not so. The game really looks good, it really does. But unfortunately that's about all this game has to offer. Graphics wise it is much better than Sword of the Stars or the Homeworld series, there's no contest about that. The gameplay however is a total let down.

This game is an RTS without the "S", there is absolutely no strategy to be implemented over the course of the game save for one, "The more Massive Fleet usually wins". I say that in respect to the number of ships in your fleet regardless of it's class, the game is so very well balanced (I don't mean this in a good way) that there's very little difference having a capital class or even several capital class ships for that matter since the only thing going for them is higher hitpoints,armor and shields. Capital ships are absolutely useless in this game since they do very little if not at all to change the battle in your favor,they damage just a little above, about 10 to 20 points higher than normal ships even with your tech buffed up which is a real joke."Battleships are called that for a reason", in this game they're more like cannon fodder or the supply depot you used in Starcraft to block the Zerg incursion .In the end, the only tactic available to anyone is to just build yourself a legion of frigates and cruisers and juggernaut your way into the enemy base. You absolutely can't lose.

Unlike most RTS (space combat or not) games out there that defines that "every ship/class is a focal point to turn the tide of war", this game is entirely about numbers, no tactical advantage, no nothing. The war of attrition is not between you and the other factions, only between you and the game which unfortunately you'll always loose.

The tech tree is so simple that even comparing it with Sword of the Stars would insult that game. Diplomacy is a waste of time since you gain relatively nothing from the other factions, all your techs are the same.No salvage, no customizable ships, even the combat is so stupid that all your ships just stand around there either waiting to shoot or to be shot at. It's more like a civil war game than space combat.

They should have called this game "Frigate/Cruiser Wars" or something.