No micromanagement is needed during battles. No tactics involved either; the bigger fleet will always win

User Rating: 5.5 | Sins of a Solar Empire PC
I played 2 long campaigns with 2 of the 3 races and was too disappointed to start a game with the last race.

There is absolutely no tactics involved, and no need to micromanage. When you turn units abilities to automatic they will use them as much as possible, so no need to set them off yourself for the most part. Units also smartly zone in on the same targets so whether or not the battle is large scale or small scale the odds are the more expensive fleet will always win. Some micromanagement will help but this is nothing like a Total War game where a superior army (in this case fleet) can be crushed by using smart tactics. If your fleet is smaller there's really nothing you can do.

The game is also slow paced and without a story, and with a very weak backstory. This doesn't help things either.

I cannot really recommend this game to anyone.