Why you hate this game so much.

User Rating: 8 | SimCity PC
Why everyone is hating the game so much,it is a good game,i only spent 5 hours in it but i really like it,the servers don't have any problem and the gameplay is incredible,multiplayer is ok too but much more fun when you are playing with your friends.I don't know why it got a 5.0,well,it got it's glitches like every game but in my opinion it's a good remake of the series,the game is not good as Sim City 4 or Societies but it's a pretty decent game.I got it for free from a friend but i still see one problem,it is a little expensive for what it gives,well,you have a lot of options but it wasn't a good idea to add things such as the berlin city set or things like that,at a couple of days or weeks from the release.Maxis done a lot of great games in the past such as The Sims 2 and Sim City 4(I already said about it) which was a great game and even the deluxe edition which had Rush Hour Expansion Pack gave me a lot of hours of fun.So SimCity(2013) in my opinion,is a pretty good game if you like this genre.