Yes this game has had a rough start, and DRM is the worst thing since Hitler but the game is getting better.

User Rating: 8.5 | SimCity PC
I started playing Simcity way back in the be beginning, I think it was 1989 or something like that. I've loved new versions every year they came out. One was always a improvement over the next. SimCity 4 was a amazing game.... in it's time.
I was so happy to hear about the new Simcity 5, though I was very worried that it would be another lite, Sim Social failure. What I didn't know, until I started to beta test, that the game would be DRM suported. That mean; you will need to log into a server to play. A "issue" a lot of games are starting to have. Worst yet, I soon found out not, only do I have to log into the server, but you will "always" have to be connected! That was a bit of a shocker, but I figured I played WOW and Old Republic, always being online, so it couldn't be so bad. IT WAS.
The open week was maybe EA's worst showing in gaming history. The disaster that was the Simcity opening, made national news and will go down in history as "Why DRM" is the wrong way of doing things". OK, enough about that.

The game itself is a very addictive and deep city simulator. Lots a new options and terrific graphics. Instead of having a huge city, you are now the mayor of a region. You don't take care of only one town, you will need to control the whole region. One town by itself can't do it alone, so it's very important to have more than one town at a time running. Some will be the tourist town, one maybe the green town, with all the healthy siminites. You may also have a town with a excellent casino blvd. So the sims in the region will have a place to go for fun, and lose money.
Education is just as important, you will need High Schools and colleges, and a university that can be used to research to technologies.

I know, I know, the towns are small, I get it, but if you see the game as more of a regional action, and you take care of a region, not just a town, it's much more enjoyably. It's cool seeing a trash truck from one town coming over to the town you're work in to help collect garbage, it's very cool, and after a few patches, work very well.
There are still plenty of bugs in the game, and EA promised fixes to them, I hate that you can't turn off disasters, EA claimed to be looking into that also.
I know on Twitter, people are still fussing about this game. Personally they need to stop wasting their breath because this is what EA and Maxis decide on, if you don't like it, no one is making you buy it.
If you get it, and can over look the DRM, this is a very enjoyable, addictive and fun game to enjoy by yourself or with a few other mayors.