Its a good game, but not a great game, is it worth buying? Maybe not, is it worth playing? Yes.

User Rating: 6.5 | ShellShock 2: Blood Trails X360
Gameplay is satisfying, the controls and buttons are well mapped, so it wont take you too long to figure out the movements. Aiming however is a different story, the crosshairs arent amazing, and nore is the "zoom in mode," it will take you a few levels to figure out how to land headshots. The game itself is quite enjoyable, the story line will draw you in, and most probably will push you to keep progressing just so you can figure out wtf is going on. The grafix arent special, they look like something off ps2 or gamecube. But there not poor enough to turn you away, honestly it looks close to brothers in arms 2, but not quite as nice, or fun. The truth is this game is a rental, it will keep you busy for a weekend, aside from completing it and getting all the achievements i dont think you will be replaying it much. If your looking for a shooter this can be a possiblity, however i would recommend that you go in the direction of Gears of War 2 or (cod4 or cod5) or rainbowsix vegas 2, or even halo 3, there are alot better games, with nicer gfx, that offer more replay value, and alot stronger multiplay..