My favorite 16-bit game.

User Rating: 10 | Shadowrun GEN
Just a pre-cursor to my short review. I'm a bit biased when it comes to 16-bit. I didn't own a Super Nintendo until much much later in life. I played a little of that version of the game and I still take to the Sega's style more. Also, I don't find the new FPS version of the game doing the cyberpunk RPG justice. To me, that seems like a completely different game. I'm always hoping for a PS3 developer to take on the challenge of an upgraded RPG with a similar theme. I put this version on my watch list for that reason. Of course there is the whole license issue to deal with...

At the time, Shadowrun was different than anything I ever played and seemed to have so much depth. Instead of the flat 2d angle changes in other RPG's, this one was angled in a way that later translated to my enjoyment of 3rd person adventures. I thought it was so neat to have the violence that I began to love in games, magic like much of the books I was reading at the time, and computer tech that I later embraced in life as my nerdship. It was my welcome to cyberpunk. There hasn't been a better game in that genre since, unless you count Fallout.

It's an RPG, it's not going to match the replay value like the Mario dynasty of games. I own a hardcopy of the game and have recently played a ROM of it. This one is easy to pick up. If you like RPG's and cyberpunk themes then you'll like Shadowrun. It was ahead of its time.