An instant classic taking the Metroidvania type games into a new setting. If you liked any Metroid game, this is a buy!

User Rating: 9.5 | Shadow Complex X360
Shadow Complex is just like the games from the Metroid Series and Castlevania series for any gameboy, with the exception that it is rendered in 3D. While it feels similar to metroid due to your character's weapon being a gun and exploration/action platformer attributes. Great game, the controls are very responsive, and it reminds me of Super Metroid with its "shortcuts". The only gripe I have with it is that the aiming system can sometimes be a pain when trying to aim at enemies in the background when there are targets in your plane (where you can move). Read other reviews of this game, particularly the one from gamespot.

An instant classic taking the Metroidvania type games into a new setting. If you liked any Metroid game, this is a buy!

By the way, if you don't have the money to spend on this game and you are opposed to downloading SNES and GBA emulators and Metroid and Castlevania roms, try out "cave story", which is a game similar to this I believe. I do not support the illegal use of emulators and roms. To my knowledge, it is illegal to use emulators and roms for more than 24 hours unless you own the appropriate systems and games.