7.5 SCREW THAT NOISE! its just so so F#@GKEN AWESOME, it has suspense, action, and the scent of SAINTS ROW!

User Rating: 9 | Saints Row IV X360
I'm proud to own this Volition game which means they should make a sequel if ya know what I mean. Volition made a super powered piece of art called SR4. If I was trapped on a desert Island I would want a TV, game system with controller, and a copy of Saints Row 4 with my bro the President Saint of the United Saints! The further you get into the game the better it gets. SR4
Has to be eligable for game of the year because if you you can't get GTA you definitely can get Saints Row 4 just ask my 10 year old nephew.When you lay your eyes on Johnny for the first time in years it has the feeling of amazement and fooling around with Shaundi ain't so bad either.
I give it a 10,read the players review not the portrayers.I have one last thing to say,"go Third street,go,go, Third street,go."