Not exactly your standard MMORPG.

User Rating: 4.5 | Roma Victor PC
Roma Victor isn't your typical MMORPG, in fact it's quite different from most you'll ever play but can be rather boring at times and seems to be more like a beta than a full-fledge MMO. The game takes place in Briton during Roman times. You can choose to be one of two factions to play as: The Romans or the Barbarians. Once you choose which faction to play as you can choose what type of social class you can be (Romans you can choose to become a freeman, slave, patrician, etc.) but doesn't really seem to have any effect on your character at all. Crafting items does have a great sense of depth and challenge but can be very tedious and overly-time consuming. For instance if you wanted to craft say a simple spear you would have to either buy the materials (which is also a tad bit hard seeing how you have to buy in-game money to purchase materials from NPC merchants) or make the required materials yourself. First you would have to find stone or iron to make a spear head (which takes an hour in REAL time.) then you have to find some wood and a pole-lathe to make the shaft of your spear (Again, takes a while.) then after everything is done with you can finally assemble your long awaited spear, only to find out that all items in the game have durability so they will wear and tear over time making it incredibly maddening to break a spear you just got after making it the past hour and a half. PvP on the other hand can be quite fun seeing how the combat system in the game is quite different where as you do most of the work jabbing your weapon at your opponent and blocking his attacks he makes towards you with your sturdy shield. Unfortunately, Redbadlam has announce recently that they have permanently shut down their servers and moved on to bigger and better things (like making the second Roma Victor :) ). This game had great potential but should have been worked on a little bit more before being released as it.