I have blisters on my fingers!

User Rating: 8 | Rocksmith PC
I've always wanted to play the guitar, but lacked the time and funds for lessons and a guitar I most likely would throw into the closet after a month. Then one day while browsing the specials on Steam, I happen across Rocksmith. "Whats this?" I can learn guitar on my computer?! So I picked it up for around $7.50. Then I had to buy a guitar. I had no idea what guitar to get and started browsing ebay and bid on a few nice older ones, but lost. All guitars I bid on were over $125. I was told many years ago I was a fender man, so that was the guitar I was looking for. Anyway to keep a long story short, I found one on craigslist for only $60. Fender Starcaster. Cheap but good to learn on while I decide down the road what I really want. Then I needed a strap, and picks. So I bought those...Then a cable...After $100 bucks or so, I had a guitar and was ready to play the game.

I plugged it in to my PC and it opened very nicely. Great looking intro with guitars and nice music playing, very impressive. I had some problems maneuvering around because it's setup for a console. I got the hang of it though, wasn't too bad to figure out.

So I'm at the first song, "(I can't get no) Satisfaction". and the notes start cumming at me, it wasn't to hard, and I did pretty good for the first go! Then it got harder and HARDER before I know whats going on, I'm at an event! I had problems, and was wishing I could pause to look around the menu, and at the neck to find the spots for my fingers. I was frustrated. After the event, I figured out how to maneuver around and found other aspects of the game, and did some shooting ducks which helps you learn finger position, by ear.

All in all, I think this has potential for helping you to learn guitar, along with stuff you find on youtube, about anyone can learn if you have the inspiration. Is it fun? It has a multi-player option but single, not really, but as fun as you can get while learning something as difficult as playing guitar. I love it, and would recommend to anyone wanting to learn guitar or bass.