Ridge Racer is an exciting racing game for psp. It has great graphics, pretty good music and is a lot of fun to play!

User Rating: 8.3 | Ridge Racer PSP
Ridge Racer is an un-realistic racing game but it still seems believable and its really fun to play.

The gameplay is really good and learning what buttons do what is easy becuase it's very intuituive. Acceleration is X, Brake/Drift is square and nos is R. Pretty basic but just perfect when you want to go round a corner at 150 miles an hour. Graphics are outstanding for a PSP game, especially for one of the first releases on the PSP. The backgrounds and tracks are all nicely detailed and make it fun to watch the replays after you have finished racing.

I hate the music. It's all Techno and generic tunes that are just not the sort of music you'd listen to if you were really racing. Thankfully the sound effects are good enough to get away with it, the engines are loud and the cars make a screeching noise when they drift.

Value is good. The game isnt too long, you can finish it in about a day if you really wanted to, but racing games tend to be replayable and this game is the same.

The only crap things about the game is that there are not many cars and that its a bit too unrealistic. If you hit the track wall or another car, you just bounce off them and you barely lose speed which is kind of annoying.

I recommend this game only to fans of Ridge Racer because if you're looking for a racing game for PSP, Burnout Legends is WAY better than this.