Ridge Racer is a very fun game. If you like the games that give you the sense of speed, then you have to try it.

User Rating: 9.3 | Ridge Racer PSP
Ridge Racer was the first game I bought for my PSP. I had been looking at all of the videos for it here on Gamespot. I had already made the choice to buy it when the beginning of March came around. Now I am very happy with the choice I made. Ridge Racer is a racing game, thats a no-brainer. But it is more than just some simple racing game. Unlike other present racing games, Ridge Racer is as complete as a racing game could be. And by that, I do not mean its features, I mean its the best it can be. The game gives you a sense of speed when you reach the limits of your car. And then, you can hit NOS, and you feel the rush, which makes you want to play even more! The game starts off really easy. The cars that you start off with are perfect for getting through those first few races in tour mode. And if you don't like the starting cars, then just beat some tours, and you will unlock more cars. There are three main tours: Basic, Pro, and EX. After completing all of these, there is a bonus tour for extremely skilled racers to compete in. There are many cars you can unlock. MANY MANY MANY cars to unlock! There are also some "Special" cars to obtain. Cars like the Pacman car, for instance, can be obtained by completing certain races. This makes the game really entertaining, and makes you want to play more. The graphics in this game are outstanding for a portable system. There is almost not one pix-elated object in the game. The frame rate is also a great accomplishment. The game will pretty much never skip. And if it does, you will probably be having too much fun to notice. I am cutting this review short, as I do not want to make you murder to get a hold of this game. But in short, this game is extremely entertaining, and if you are a fan of racing games, then this one will certainly suit your fancy.