Resident Evil Umbrella Chronicles Could Have Been So Much Better

User Rating: 7 | Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles WII
Story: Play throgh diffrent scenes of resident evil games.

Missions: Kill the Zombies with diffrent guns.

Controls: Wii zapper/wiimote

Features:ok storyline,intresting concept for a wii game.

A.I.: Not Horrible. They try and kill you. Sometimes they get stuck in walls thogh

Loading Times: short, usually around 15 seconds when loading into diffrent areas.

Graphics: They are not bad at all actually. Some of the best we have seen on the wii yet.

Audio: Amazing. Voice acting is superb. Everything is good about the Audio.

Multiplayer: None at all.

Requirements: a wii,wii zapper,wiimote

The Good: Audio and story,some fun gameplay

The Bad: Glitches. Zombies get stuck in walls at times. and it seems that the zombies get stuck alot. random game crashes

The Ugly: Your Health Packs are pot. WTF?

Replay Ability: Low/none

The Bottom Line:a intresting concept but just does not cut it