Red Ninja:End of Honor! The game that makes you want to kill yourself!

User Rating: 2 | Red Ninja: End of Honor XBOX
My first piece of advice to anyone considering purchasing this game would be, don't.
For the sake of all that is sweet and holy and good in this world, do not buy this game.

My advice for anyone who currently owns this game would be, Stop Crying.
Look on the bright side, there's still plenty of things you can use it for.

Enjoy hot or cold drinks? Why not protect your desks and coffee tables by using it as a coaster.

Fond of Irony? Why not go back in time and train yourself from childhood to become a Ninja. Then; use the disc as a shruriken to exact revenge on the infamous Tranji Development Clan, who began this whole ordeal.

Fashion Conscious? Why not a get lens fitted to the hole in the centre of the disc at your local opticians and then use it as a monocle to inspect future gaming purchases a little more carefully.

Bitter and twisted at having bought a game, in which the camera is seeming attached to the main character by a rubber pole, in which the combat is repetitive, in which the boss battles are unbelievably unbalanced, and with acrobatic manoeuvres that even a gamer with literal ninja reflexes would more than likely have an aneurysm trying to pull them off?
Why not break the disc into small shards, then carve "Red Ninja is utter Sh*te" into your forehead?
That way no-one else need suffer the same misfortune you and i have.

Alternatively you could just try to sell / return it and get Ninja Gaiden (XBOX) or God of War (PS2).

Just a thought.