More narratively driven

User Rating: 7 | Ratchet & Clank: Up Your Arsenal PS2


- the characters were really well voiced and the dialogue was pretty funny. There's also more back story and character development in this game compared to the last 2 games

- the combat is more or less the same as ratchet 2, but weapons were a little less OP and enemies seemed to take more damage, which offers more of a challenge. The final boss was also a lot better designed compared to the 2nd game

- im glad they removed the spaceship shooting segments. Those always felt like fillers that weren't fun at all.

- also glad they removed the racing segments. Another filler mini-game.

- cutscenes are more lengthy and a bit more interesting

- the objectives are less ambiguous than the first two games. I never had to look at a guide to get an item I missed.

- subtitles are a nice addition, since I often enjoy watching something while mindlessly blowing through enemies, while still being able to catch the story

- addition of weapon testing is nice


- the missions and progression felt a bit too linear

- the loading times were quite long

- sucks how I could only test weapons on the starship's vendor and nowhere else. This meant I had to waste time traveling back to the starship every time I wanted to try a new one out.

- I don't understand why they split the slim cognito shop and the normal vendor. It makes it inconvenient when I have to travel back and forth to shop for the weapons I want