Left wanting for more.

User Rating: 7.5 | Ratchet & Clank: Quest for Booty PS3
This game picks up right where Tools of Destruction leaves off so if you would want to play this game I'd pick up Tools first and beat it. But if you don't feel like it the intro does a good job recapping everything from Tools. This game plays exactly like Tools so you should know how it works now, but I wish that all of my stuff from Tools would have carried over to this game since I had everything maxed out. That is a minor complaint though about the game and the other minor complaint was that it felt really short but I can understand since the game only costs $15 on PSN. The game seems to last around only four hours which after I beat it, it left me wanting to buy the new one once I have some spare change. Other than that if you are a Ratchet & Clank fan I'd advise you to pick this up but even if you are not it is a truly fun action/platformer.