Downloadable R&C title that's fun for what it is, a lead in to the sequel to last year's great Tools of Destruction.

User Rating: 8 | Ratchet & Clank: Quest for Booty PS3
I love the Ratchet & Clank series. Its my favorite game series of all time. So when I heard at this year's E3 that R&C would be coming to the PSN in a downloadable title, I was thrilled. I would've been happier with a full retail release, but if Insomniac is too busy with Resistance 2 for a fully fledged R&C title this year, getting any R&C action this year would be good. And so we have Ratchet & Clank Future: Quest for Booty.

Following the conclusion of Tools of Destruction, Ratchet is in search for Clank, taken by the Zoni following the defeat of Emperor Tachyon. That brings us to Quest for Booty, where Ratchet & Talwyn go in search of a pirate, Captain Darkwater, who is believed to have a way to find the Zoni. That is the setup to Quest for Booty. QfB is a short, platform heavy title, clocking in at under 4 hours. Without Clank, Ratchet can't get around as easily as he could, and after an initial encounter with pirates, loses his weapons and gets stranded on Hoolefar Island, with only his wrench and wits. The controls are the same as the previous R&C titles, but Ratchet's wrench has gained two new abilities: it can tether onto things such as bridges, catapult springs, and platforms to help get around; it also can pick up objects, two specific ones here, lava rocks to break stuff or little glowing heliogrubs to act as a torch.

Like I said, the game is short, clocking in around 4 hours to complete, not counting playing it again on Hard mode (no Challenge mode), but its still R&C, with its great graphics, solid audio, and great gameplay. Quest for Booty is definitely recommended for fans of R&C. If you haven't played an R&C game before, I would find a copy of Tools of Destruction or even one of the PS2 titles. Quest for Booty is fine as an in between for next year's sequel to Tools of Destruction, but you're missing out on the greatness that is Ratchet & Clank in its full glory.