Short and sweet:) Definitely worth getting if you enjoyed the previous Ratchet and Clank games!

User Rating: 9 | Ratchet & Clank: Quest for Booty PS3
i can't really understand why reviewers have been giving this game 7.5's and what not. yes, it's short, but it's supposed to be. if insomniac was going to release a full game for people, then they would have done so instead of spending their time working on resistance 2.

anyway, the game is great for what it is. a short $15 adventure, starring everyone's favorite lombax:)

the story is clever and cute for a 3-4 hour downloadable game. seeing the pirates again was very entertaining. rusty pete is an awesome character:D i'm not going to go into the story, cause i don't want to ruin anything for people who haven't played it yet, but i can tell you that it's great for not being a full game story.

the graphics, as always with insomniac, are just beautiful. the island(s) that the game takes place on are so greatly detailed you'll most likely find yourself just looking around at everything for a few minutes to take it all in. i know i did^^

the music, although still not quite as memorable or catchy as the first 4 R&C games, does feel a bit more enjoyable this time then in ToD. i think mainly due to the great piratey theme:P

as for the gameplay, it's still as fun and addictive as always. the new ability to pick things up with your wrench, and to manipulate platforms and jumps with it, is a wonderful and welcome addition. definitely hope to see that in the next game, which i'm sure it will be!

the end of the game is by far the best part about it. that alone makes it worth getting!

overall, this is definitely worth checking out. don't let the shortness of it keep you from enjoying a game that was developed just to bridge the gap between ToD and the next one. it's still a lot of fun in it's own right and should be looked at as another entertaining Ratchet and Clank adventure:)