One of the best PSN games around.

User Rating: 9.5 | Ratchet & Clank: Quest for Booty PS3
In some ways better that Tools of Destruction. Most Ratchet and Clank games relied on going through space and shooting things up, this game brings you down to one planet, Planet Merdegraw. The planet is filled with pirates and is the key to finding Clanks location after he was kidnapped by the Zoni. The first area your in is Hoolefar Island and have many civilians that you can talk to and do missions and find secret areas. There is also Morrow Caverns where the pirates of the dead rise. The caverns are dark and moody something that has never really happened in the series before. Quest for Booty has many different puzzles in it. There are also new gameplay features that should of been put into Tools of Destruction such as the wrench tether and grabbing objects with your wrench. The game is perfect except for one thing, you can finish it in 3 or 4 hours. This makes it the shortest in the series but also makes it the most perfected. Graphics are also the better than Tools of Destruction. It being so short is forgivable due to the fact its only a PSN game.

+ Good Points -
- Really Perfected game, haven't found any glitches.
- More Story and good gameplay.
- The best looking graphics I've seen in a game.

- Bad Points -
- Too short although the game is pretty fun.
- Not many weapons and they were reused from TOD.
- Areas aren't as big as they were in TOD. Clank was gone.

Overall - 9.5/10
I'd recommend getting this game but on disc instead of downloading it.
This game was best in the series until A Crack in Time came.
Missed Challenge Mode and the Skill Points / Gold Bolts though.