
User Rating: 1.5 | Holy Magic Century N64
I honestly don't know what people were expecting when they bought this game...
Being that at the time Final Fantasy VII was extremely popular on the PlayStation that people who had an N64 (only) wondered why the game wasn't released on the N64 as well. So this game along with many other fantasy games was just a trap for gamers. Walking into the game it doesn't LOOK bad.
The graphics are decent enough and the controls are ok.
Don't get your hopes up though it only gets worse from here on out. When you first take controls of your "character" its not clear where you have to go. So you exit the castle and wander around in the fields and eventually (just like in Final Fantasy) you'll wander into a random battle. Unlike Final Fantasy VII however (which was very simple but still good) The battle system here is confusing as hell! You push every button combination possible just trying to attack but end up just doing random s**t
To this day I still don't know how the hell it works.
So there it is folks...the kick to the balls of this game.

This game gets a slap in the face of 1.5 out of 10 -_-