A very sad day for THQ!

User Rating: 1.5 | Holy Magic Century N64
I played this game back when I was a child. I enjoyed it back then (I must have been 8 years old). I recently bought it and beat it in two days. The time I spent was not enjoyable and the only reason I played til the end was because I haven't yet. The camera sucks, you can never keep it pointed in one direction at any point in time, if you decide to run from the enormous number of battles in the game (take two steps in a dungeon that can last for an hour and you're in a battle) then you can easily accidently start backtracking towards the start thinking you are moving forward. The graphics are terrible as so is the re-play value. Probably the worst part of this game is the fact how the end of the game is easier than the begginning!
I will never play this game again and I suggest that everyone else out there does the same. Unless you are 8 years old, then I don't think it will be a problem.