You can bump into nice hours of playing and entertainment, or tough hours of high-level boringness.

User Rating: 6.2 | Holy Magic Century N64
Quest 64 was the first RPG game released for the console. It has some nice characteristics, but unfortunately lacks of the main ones, and it isn’t even compared to the Masterpiece Zelda – Ocarina of Time.

You are wondering: “what are the main characteristics?” Lol, some cutscenes or at least minigames for example!!! The game’s plot is absolutely ridiculous!!! It lacks of money (I don’t know how the downtown people do to buy birthday presents) and creativity (you find your items in some chest hidden throughout the stages, inside houses or talking to some unknown people. Yes, you just ‘Win’ some items, and you keep ‘winning’ ‘til the end of the game, but actually you’ll be losing [time], but anyway). The game’s sound somehow does not use the console’s capacity to play high quality music… it could be much better if the creators had used better their own brains... Ok, let’s stop saying bad things about it. I’ve already beaten this game, and it wasn’t difficult. It’s A kind of ‘Very Easy” RPG game, maybe made only for starters or people who are giving the very first steps… The battle mode are simplified and without any secrets... unleash a magical power upon some enemies (the enemy closer to you will be chosen as the target of your spell) or just hit someone with your staff. Level yourself up as you keep killing enemies and increase one or some specific elements (one among the four ones found in the nature... wind, water, fire and water). Nothing really special. It’s a nice game, dude, but of COURSE you can find much better ones thereabout, but if you want to spend some times playing an easy and cartoonish game, you can try Quest 64 out. You can bump into nice hours of playing and entertainment, or tough hours of high-level boringness.