This game is great when it comes to customisation, although i think is too much of a challenge in the harder events.

User Rating: 7.5 | Pure PS3
"Pure"... overall is a "good" game, although in some areas lets itself down, but still more good than bad. First of all, when it comes to making/customising your ATV you are provided with a great variation of options which give you the power to suite your ATV to your style, AND of course which event you will be using it in. There are 3 types of events; Race (the obvious), Sprint ( a much shorter race) and Freestyle (tricks). There are also 10 slots in your garage for you to fill with 10 ATVs. The feel of the ATVs while racing is great and this game comes with no shortage of tracks (unlike "Motorstorm"), the graphics are fantastic and this game really makes you feel like your in the game with features like choosing your character and clothes. But the game lets itself down ( quite annoyingly) when you get to the the harder stages, you'll soon realise (unless your really good at these games) that you won't be able to win many events, and eventually this could get on your nerves after you keep unsuccessfully trying. But i would advise playing the demo first, to see for yourself, it was the demo that did it for me, i loved it, so i ended up getting it.