User Rating: 9.3 | Psi-Ops: The Mindgate Conspiracy PS2
Simply put... this is one of the best games I have ever played. While I feel there were a few things that could have been done differently/better, they were minor. For example, I felt there should have been some better and certainly more frequent puzzles. Remote Viewing, for example, seemed like a much missed oportunity. While extremely cool and very handy in a tactical sense, it was rarely required. At one point you have to RM through a locked door in order to read a pass code, but that is the only time I recall absolutely HAVING to use it. Same with the telekenesis. You had to move some objects from one spot on to another to unlock doors, but again, I felt that so much more in terms of chalenging a persons logic could have been incorporated with it's use. Over all, however, this game rocks. There's nothing quite like being able to metally grab a person/object and send em flying through the air. "Mind Draining" someone till their head pops like a ripe mellon... can that ever get old? And the way Remote Viewing was implemented was an especially nice touch that really added to the games atmosphere. Again, one of the best games I have yet to play. In fact, I'm going through it a second time just for the TK of it! :)